06 December, 2014

Israel Sends 380 Million Fruit Flies to Croatia

Saturday, December 06, 2014

Fruit Flies (Photo Credit: counselheal.com)

World News -- For many years, Israel was known to be a source of good brains, many of which ended up in Europe. However, Europe has in recent times shown antisemitic tendencies, particularly in regard to Israeli policies and for that, it no longer receives Israeli brains as it  used.  

Rather than take a few Israelis to Croatia to teach Croatians how to breed barren fruit flies and use them to keep their orchards pest free, an Israeli Company entered into a business deal to ship 380 million sterilized flies to Croatia.

The flies were bred at Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu and sterilized through a radioactive procedure supervised by the Israeli Atomic Energy Commission (IAEC). They were then shipped by air to Split, a coastal city and freed in the orchards along the border with Bosnia. The barren fruit flies scientifically act to eliminate harmful ones from orchards.

Biobee, an Israeli company based in Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu conducts research on natural methods to fight pest in Agriculture and, therefore, reduce reliance on harmful pesticides.

I Hope Kenya can learn from this great business idea.  We could be making billions by exporting trillions of flies to Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and even Nigeria. 


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