01 December, 2014

Youth Should Demand positions held by 12,510 Ghost Workers

Monday, December 01, 2014

Youths demonstrating in Nairobi: www.africareview.com

The Kenyan government has been telling millions of Jobless youth that it cannot hire them because it has no vacancies and can’t afford to pay more people. But the youth have seen an opportunity.

Sometimes in September, the government ordered a biometric registration of staff both in the National Government and County Governments. The exercise unearthed a major scam as more than 12,500 workers failed to turn up for the biometric exercise.

According to a report released by the Devolution and Planning Cabinet Secretary, Anne Waiguru, of the 172,522 workers on the national government’s payroll, only 160,012 turned up for biometric registration.
This means that the government has been losing billions of shillings annually to non-existent workers, right? 
Following the revelation, President Uhuru Kenyatta gave an order to the Ethics and anti-corruption commission, the Anti-Banking Fraud United and the CID to investigate the matter.  This should be an easy job because the banks that process payments on behalf of the government should be having data on how the salaries were withdrawn and by who.

An opportunity for the Youth

Since the government had already budgeted for salaries of the 12,510 ghost workers who, presumably, were hired on a needs basis, it should not get rid of the positions, but rather employ some youth to fill them up.

Hopefully, more jobs will come up once colluding civil servants are identified, investigated, and sacked. In addition, most county governments are yet to submit their reports but we are hopeful that more ghost workers will be netted once those reports come in and this will translate to more vacancies for the youth.

Here the Youth Out

The Kenyan civil service is dominated by technology-shy and aged workers with very low academic qualifications. These mostly corrupt, Moi-era workers have personalized the civil service, systematically locking out the youth who are better trained, more transparent, and more tolerant to people from other tribes. But hiring ghost workers to fill genuine positions is just another thing.
Why should anyone hire ghost workers when the Country has millions of qualified but jobless youth? You may wonder.

President Uhuru Kenyatta rode on the change platform to sail to power and should do more to change the corrupt, Moi-era civil service and create more jobs for his friends – the youth.


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