08 January, 2015

Did Paul Kobia Kill Fidel Odinga?

Thursday, January 08, 2015

News doing rounds in social media circles allege that Paul Kobia, a controversial city businessman who was named in the UN report on the DRC gold smuggling syndicate and who was  last September involved in gun drama with bodyguards of the Former Premier Raila Odinga, is behind the death of Fidel Castro Odinga (Raila Odinga's eldest son).

The allegations were made by Robert Alai on his blog kahawa Tungu
Her is the exact post on the blog

Paul Kobia was early this week heard bragging to some patrons and the owner of Buffet Park, Mr Muya that he killed Hon Raila Odinga’s son, Fidel Odinga. In one of the most stupid showmanship, the thug and runaway killer who has connections right inside State House confessed to the patrons that he killed Fidel because he organised his assault.
The confessions were heard by friends of Fidel who have revealed this to security officers. Kobia made the confession on Monday night at Buffet park. The security officers have refused to act because Paul Kobia enjoys State House protection. He moves around in a convoy of cars including police chase cars. Paul Kobia is also always armed with weapons including shotguns and pistols.
It is not clear why Paul Kobia enjoys such kind of state protection. He is known to be a friend of Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko who has constantly refuted this saying that he is not a friend of Kobia.
Friends of Raila are now demanding that Kobia be arrested.
Paul kobia has however been arrested and is assisting police officers with information on the allegations. It will be interesting to see how things turn on this one. 


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