10 December, 2013

10 Easy Ways to Increase Likes for Your Facebook Business Page

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

With more than 1.15 billion users as of 2013, Facebook is the largest social media site and there is no question about its relevance in today’s business world. If you want to tell people about your brand, establish a strong fan base and generate leads, then Facebook is provides the best avenue for that.  However, a dismissive number of likes will definitely not help in the achievement of such objectives.  

Given the fact that your updates are only seen by those who like your page (unless they are shared), growing your “likes” is really important if your business messages have to reach a wider audience. In fact, Facebook “likes” have been likened to building an email subscription list by some experts.  

Here are some of the best tips you can implement to instantly grow your facebook “likes”

#1: Create good business page

The first thing you need to do is to have a business page that excites people. Give visitors a reason to like your page and they will do just that. Creating a complete and catchy business description is the best way to go about this. Don’t forget to provide your contacts, location and hours of operation.

#2: Place a Facebook Widget on your website or blog

Chances are that your business has a website and a blog or just a website. There are a lot of inbound visits from organic means, email subscriptions, and other leads. These people need to be aware of your Facebook fan page. Having a Facebook widget embeded on the site will get people to like your page with ease, and is a good step in developing a loyal audience.

#3: Run contests

There is nothing that excites people than having them participate in a contest. The allure of winning a free prize or money still works in amazing ways. However, contests should be aimed at getting you likes and having many more fans not just exciting people. The best thing about Facebook contest’s it’s the fact that you really don’t have to dedicate a huge percentage of your marketing dollars. Therefore, startups and small businesses can effectively pull this one off without hurting their finances.

There are a number of third party apps that run contests on behalf of businesses. Most of these apps have the Like-Gate feature that tells willing participants to like your page first before they enter the contest.

Wishpond is app you should try to use if you want to run a contest. The best thing about Wishpond and other apps is that they take care of everything including the provision of default contest images.
Prizes can range from your business products, shopping vouchers, to cash prizes.

#4: Make use of Facebook Ads

Facebook has an ads feature that you can use to get likes from relevant users. A small monthly or weekly budget can help you grow your fan base. The best thing about the ads feature is that it helps you get fans that fit into your target market.  You can buy ads by scrolling down to the foot of your facebook page and following the “Advertising” link.  There are a number of online guides that can help you maximize your market reach through Facebook social ads.

#5: Link twitter and Facebook

Twitter gives you the advantage of getting followers much faster than any other social media site. If you link your Facebook fan page to twitter, every post on your facebook will be available to your twitter followers.  Facebook allows you to create longer posts but Twitter limits you to 140 characters.  So each Facebook post exported to Twitter will be limited to 140 characters but there will be a link directing your followers back to your facebook fan page.

#6: Make more use of Videos and Images

Images and videos are very powerful tools that you can use to lure users to your fan page.  Facebook has a video feature that is very effective for marketing purposes because it includes a hotlink that directs viewers back to your fan page. Great videos can get you fans in a very short time.

#7: Publish engaging content on regular basis

If you understand what your community likes then you can easily publish engaging content will keep people waiting for your posts. If your followers find your posts to be interesting, they will definitely share them and get you more followers. Always be sure to post when majority of your followers are active and post regularly.

#8: Create an email signature block

You can add a link to your Facebook fan page on each email you send. If you use a web-based email, then Wisestamp app is great for adding a professional signature block that includes a link to your Facebook fan page.

#9: Ask your physical contacts to like you on Facebook

Your friends, clients, business partners, and other people you meet in your daily life are very important in driving your social media growth. They are more likely to share, like, or comment on your posts. So you should always remember to ask them to like your Facebook fan page. However, don’t make it look like you pushing as won’t be fine for them to do it against their wishes.

#10: Metrics

Understanding how your page performs is important for you to know your next cause of action. Facebook Insights provides you with information such as the number of people seeing your posts, those that engage with them, and the times you get new likes, among other things. 


  1. thanks for this informative and detailed way of marketing.bravo!!!

  2. Thanks A lot Gichuru. I am working even harder!

  3. Another mean for buying Facebook likes is to advertise our business, giving our business a new opportunity to grow.

  4. Hey @Ellyhower,
    I didn't know you can buy them. That's a great strategy too. It saves a lot of time.

  5. I had not thought about contests. Will try to run one to promote my facebook fan page.


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