04 December, 2014

A Wealthy Nigerian Buried in his H2 Hummer

Thursday, December 04, 2014

Africa News -- How I wish to believe these pictures were shot during a Nollywood act. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Whoever posted them said this is real material. Apparently, a Nigerian billionaire had included in his will that upon his death he should be buried with his expensive Hummer – as ludicrous as it sounds.

I am not sure about the kind of thinking that informed such a decision. Perhaps when you couple idiocy with the pain of knowing that you’ll leave everything you have worked hard for when you die. I guess, after serious soul searching, the man decided that he be buried in his H2 and, as you can see from the pictures, the wish was granted.

By the way it’s very unAfrican and out rightly abominated to disobey the wishes of the dead, unless you want some serious late-night hounding. But should this dare happen in Nairobi I know someone who will attend the funeral just to assess the amount of work required to dig up the Hummer in the dead hours of the night.

 I will probably share this with #KOT so that they can see what to do with it next time they engage Nigeria in a fully-fledged Twitter war. #SomeTellNigeria


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