19 November, 2014

Death of Senator Otieno Kajwang: A big Blow to ODM Politics

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Late Sen. Otieno Kajwang

The Homabay Senator, a firebrand politician and one of the most vocal figures in ODM and CORD has passed on. The senator died on Tuesday night (11/18/2014) of heart attack while undergoing treatment at the Mater Hospital.

According to family accounts, the senator was rushed to the hospital after developing breathing problems while at home in Runda.  His brother and MP for Ruaraka, TJ Kajwang, said the senator was rushed to hospital at around 9pm when he complained of chest pains, and was declared dead two hours after arriving at the Hospital. The CORD bigwig was only 55.  

Condolence messages

Condolence messages are still pouring in from across the political divide as we speak.

His death was announced on twitter by Hon Raila Odinga, CORD leader and a longtime comrade. It read “It is with deepest sorrow that we announce the death of Ndugu Otieno Kajwang (Nyakwarnyakwamba).”

Many other leaders and especially fellow senators have tweeted their messages of condolence.
Some of the tweets include the following:

Kipchumba Murkomen, Senator Elgeyo Marakwet: ““So shocked that my colleague & friend Sen. Kajwang has passed on.  Will remember him as passionate & eloquent debator. A man full of life & humour,” 

Kakamega’s Boni Khalwale: “My brother and comrade in arms, the late senator Otieno Kajwang was relentless in serving Kenyans. Am so saddened. God help us!”

Makueni Senator Mutala Kilonzo Jr: “Rest in peace my brother, learned friend and senator, Otieno Kajwang. Mapambano mbinguni.”

Martha Wangari, a nominated senator: ““Unbelievable how short this life is. Was among the last senators in the chambers with u yesterday n can hardly believe u no more. RIP @HonKajwang.

Hassan Omar, Mombasa Sen: “My condolences to the family and friends of my colleague Sen. Otieno Kajwang. A great comrade, a meticulous,”

This Man Otieno Kajwang

Gerald Otieno Kajwang was one of the most visible politicians in ODM, and the country. He was first elected to parliament in 1997, representing Mbita constituency and, since then, his star has never stopped shinning. He has been the minister of Immigration in the Coalition government (2008-2013).  In 2013, he contested and won the Homabay senatorial seat.  

He is fondly remembered by his supporters and foes for his witty speeches and Slogans. He is the originator of the “Bado Mapambano” tune. The word Mapambano loosely translates as struggle. Bado Mapambano means we are still in the struggle. The tune has been sung by civil society, workers on strike, youths, and all other groups pushing for something in the country.

Hon Otieno Kajwang never minced words, always throwing straight Jabs to political opponent. His eloquence, fearlessness, and witty style of addressing crowds earned him a top spot in ODM politics. His demise therefore leaves a gaping hole in a party already faced with unprecedented levels of internal rebellion.

Rest in Peace Honourable Otieno Kajwang.


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