21 December, 2014

ISIS Executes 100 Foreign Fighters Who Tried To Quit

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Foreign ISIS fighter: AP Photo

World News -- According to the British Financial Times Newspaper, ISIS executed 100 of foreign fighters who tried to leave the group’s headquarters in Raqqa, Syria.  An activist opposed to ISIS and the Assad regime confirmed the executions of foreign fighters trying to escape the group’s capital.

ISIS has created a military police wing to deal with foreign fighters who declined to report on duty.  Tens of homes have already been raided and dozens of jihadists arrested.

Many foreign jihadists who were eager to join the group are now coming to the reality of fighting for a terrorist outfit.  In October, the British press reported that 5 Britons, 3 French, 2 Belgians and 2 Germans wanted to go back home after they realized that they were fighting against other rebel groups other than Assad’s government. They were being held as prisoners at that time and it’s not clear if they were part of those executed.

The International Center for the Study of Radicalization at the London’s King’s College reports that there are between 30 and 50 Britons who want to go back home but fear being jailed. Group
The extremist group has lost considerable ground since coalition forces, led by the United States, launched airstrikes against it. The past few weeks have been particularly bad for ISIS.

On Thursday, Iraq Kurds reported to have pushed back ISIS and liberated Mount Sinjar where Yazidi fighters and civilians had been trapped by the extremists for a month.  The Kurdish forces have stepped up their operation in a bid to take back Swathes of land taken by the ISIS.

The pentagon has also reported killing several ISIS leaders in airstrikes.

 ISIS has made world news in the last few months and looked unstoppable slightly more than a month ago, but now their momentum has weakened significantly as it loses many fighters coupled with a decreasing ability to attract new ones. 


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