Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

16 January, 2015

Health Milestone: Cure for AIDS Discovered!!

AIDS patient

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has been the hardest thing to treat because it inserts it’s genome into the hosts DNA making it difficult to eradicate using conventional treatment approaches. For a long time, antiretroval therapy has been widely used to stop the virus from replicating in the body and thus prolonging the patient’s life.

However, this is set to change. The world is much closer to treating HIV/AIDS. Scientists from Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia made a breakthrough that will potentially save millions of lives across the globe. In article posted in Medical News Today, the scientist managed to delete the HIV virus genome from the Human DNA using a DNA snipping enzyme. The approach was based on bacterial defense mechanism that protects against viral infection.

The enzyme, referred to as gRNA will be able to find HIV-1 viral genome on human DNA and delete them.  The scientist successfully stranded and tested gRNA’s 20 nucleotides. The preparation was then tested on cultured human cells infected with HIV-1 and, guess what? The virus was gone.
The discovery will go through a few more tests before it is cleared for clinical use. The next step is to find a way of ensuring that the enzyme is delivered to all human cells that get infected with HIV virus.

Permanent cure for HIV/AIDS is now within reach. 

08 January, 2015

Did Paul Kobia Kill Fidel Odinga?

News doing rounds in social media circles allege that Paul Kobia, a controversial city businessman who was named in the UN report on the DRC gold smuggling syndicate and who was  last September involved in gun drama with bodyguards of the Former Premier Raila Odinga, is behind the death of Fidel Castro Odinga (Raila Odinga's eldest son).

The allegations were made by Robert Alai on his blog kahawa Tungu
Her is the exact post on the blog

Paul Kobia was early this week heard bragging to some patrons and the owner of Buffet Park, Mr Muya that he killed Hon Raila Odinga’s son, Fidel Odinga. In one of the most stupid showmanship, the thug and runaway killer who has connections right inside State House confessed to the patrons that he killed Fidel because he organised his assault.
The confessions were heard by friends of Fidel who have revealed this to security officers. Kobia made the confession on Monday night at Buffet park. The security officers have refused to act because Paul Kobia enjoys State House protection. He moves around in a convoy of cars including police chase cars. Paul Kobia is also always armed with weapons including shotguns and pistols.
It is not clear why Paul Kobia enjoys such kind of state protection. He is known to be a friend of Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko who has constantly refuted this saying that he is not a friend of Kobia.
Friends of Raila are now demanding that Kobia be arrested.
Paul kobia has however been arrested and is assisting police officers with information on the allegations. It will be interesting to see how things turn on this one. 

05 January, 2015

3 People Confirmed Dead, 40 Rescued, one Row almost cleared in Huruma Building Collapse

A survivor being transferred to an Ambulance

As of now, up to 40 people have been rescued so far, 3 confirmed dead, including a woman and one day old infant.

According witness accounts, the building came down at 8pm, Sunday. It is said that huge cracks begun to emerge at around 7.30pm and some residents escaped when the building started shaking. Those already out screamed to other tenants still inside to leave the building, before it came tumbling down at around 8pm.

Rescue teams had trouble accessing the site due to crowds of people milling around and police were forced to apply force in dispersing them.

Rescue is still ongoing

The building had two rows, rescue teams are almost clearing one raw before moving on to the next.
Some relatives have come forward to claim that they still can’t find their family members. About 8 people are still missing according to relatives’ accounts but the numbers could be higher.

The building is said to have collapsed on an adjacent informal 
mabati settlement and there are fears that residents of the informal settlement could still be trapped under the rubble.

Rescue teams include the Kenya Red Cross, National youth service, KDF, and Police. People are receiving emergency treatment before being referred to various hospitals. About 28 people have been treated and discharged.

Acting police Inspector General, Samuel Arachi, has said that everyone involved in the construction of the building including Engineers, Developer, Contractor, and Architect should come forward with immediate effect. He has also hinted that they will be charged with murder. The same sentiments were echoed by Evans Kidero, Nairobi Governor.

04 January, 2015

2 Dead, 40 Rescued, Dozens still trapped in Huruma building Collapse.

BREAKING NEWS: News just coming in indicates that a 7 storey building has collapsed in Huruma’s Casanova area, Nairobi. The residential building was still under construction and 5 floors had already been occupied. 

The building collapsed at around 7pm, Sunday night, at time when most residents were at home. 

Many are feared dead or trapped and rescue teams are currently rushing to the scene.
Huruma is a poor neighborhood dominated by residential flats.


 As of Monday morning two people were confirmed dead. A child’s body was pulled from the rubble while another person died on the way to hospital, according to accounts given by an official from Disaster Operation Centre.

Rescue teams have so far pulled more than 40 survivors out of the collapsed building but it’s not clear how many are still trapped.

Most of those rescued have been admitted to local health facilities. 
It is now emerging that the building developed cracks last year but residents continued to live in it.

Nairobi Governor, Evans Kidero, has just held a press conference  stating that the developer, contractor,and builders of the collapsed building will be arrested and charged. It is now emerging that the county government only approved a four-storey building but it was developed up to seven floors.  Read the latest updates here 3 People Confirmed Dead, 40 Rescued, One Row Almost Cleared In Huruma Building Collapse

Rather than Affect Your Health, the Chlorovirus ATCV-1 Makes you Stupid

Green Algae. Image Credit:

Health -- Late last year, scientists discovered that a virus that all along has been known to attack green algae in rivers and lakes can also infect the human brain and make one stupid.  The Virus, Cholovirus ATCV-1 belonging to the Phycodnavirdae family was previously not known to infect humans or listed among viruses that can affect humans.

According to findings of the study published in November 2013, scientists were surprised to recover the virus from samples extracted from the human gut. The virus was accidently recovered from a throat swab during the study, which included measuring the cognitive ability of participants.

Researchers in the U.S say that the virus can impair learning and memory, cognitive activity, thereby making any infected person to be less intelligent. Robert Yolken, a virologist at the John Hopkins Medical School in Maryland, who participated in the study said that “This is a striking example showing that the ‘innocuous’ microorganisms we carry can affect behavior and cognition.” The virus is thought to inhabit the throat of infected individuals. 

Participants who were found infected with the virus scored up to 10% lower in cognitive tests compared to those not infected. The presence of the virus was also associated with lower attention and “significant decrease in visual processing and visual motor speed.” The virus is found in fresh water and can easily be taken up by swimmers.

Further tests conducted by inserting infected algae into the mouth of mice confirmed the cognitive effects of the virus. Infected mice took 10% longer time to make their way out of mazes and also took 20% longer time exploring new objects, compared to uninfected mice. 

 Now human beings need to worry not only about physical health risks associated with viral infection, but mental effects as well. 

Plan Crash Lands at JKIA, No one is hurt

Kenya News --- A Fokker 50, arriving at the Nairobi’s Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) was forced to crash-land after its landing gear failed to drop. The plane was arriving from Wajir, Northern Kenya, with 6 passengers. No one was injured in the late morning incident.

The runway was sprayed immediately after the plane landed to prevent any fire incidents.

Information from the Kenya Airports Authority indicate that the runway is now closed and incoming flights have been diverted to Mombasa. It’s not clear when the Airport will be reopened but this should be soon. 
Photo Credit: 

Raila Odinga’s Son, Fidel Odinga, has passed on

Fidel Odinga, Wife and Son. Photo: Elvis Ogina

BREAKING NEWS--- Kenya is in shock following the devastating news that Fidel Odinga has died. Fidel was the eldest son of Kenya’s former Prime Minister and leader of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), Raila Odinga.

Fidel Odinga was found dead this morning in his Karen home. According to police sources, the cause of death is yet to be established but it is alleged that Fidel was out with friends on Saturday night and only came home Sunday morning.

The youthful Odinga was a businessman and an aspiring politician and his sudden death has stunned Kenyans. He is survived by his wife and one year-old son.

Police are now investigating what could have caused the death and their first course of action is to establish where he was last night and those who were with him.

At the time of writing, the family was preparing to transfer the body to Lee Funeral Home.
Messages of condolence are streaming in from Kenyans of all walks of life, particularly through social media platforms.

A group of Senators and members of parliament have arrived at the home of Raila Odinga to support the family during this trying moment.

More to come

Iran's Elite Guards have foiled Mossad’s Assassination attempt against a Nuclear Scientist

An Iranian Elite Guard. Photo Credit:
World News --- On Saturday, a senior Iranian security official reported that the Country’s Elite Revolutionary Guards Corps saved one of its nuclear scientist from a Mossad assassination attempt.

Col. Ya’qoub Baqeri, the deputy chief liaison officer of the Flight Guards Corps, told the Iranian Fars News Agency that “In the last two years, the Zionist enemy was trying hard to assassinate an Iranian nuclear scientist, but the timely presence of the IRGC security forces thwarted the terrorist operation,” adding they are “duty-bound to protect the lives of the country’s nuclear scientists”.

Israel has never admitted that it’s behind the killings of Iranian Nuclear Scientists, a campaign that has been going on for years. While the U.S remains a key ally of the Zionist state, the two have openly differed on a number of issues, one of them is the assassination campaigns. A report published on CBS News last year, showed that the U.S is not happy with Israel’s assassination campaign against Iranian Nuclear Scientists and was pushing it to stop.

The Mossad, Israel’s renowned spy agency, is said to conduct the assassinations in an attempt to stop Iran or slow down the development of Nuclear Weapons in Iran.  At least five nuclear scientists have been assassinated in Iran, mostly with car bombs.

According to the CBS report, the Mossad had admitted that the assassination campaign had become too dangerous for its spies. This comes as the U.S tries to reach a nuclear deal with the Iranian government. 

27 December, 2014

Cyber-security Experts Humiliate the FBI for its claim that North Korea Hacked Sony Pictures

World News -- Last week, the FBI announced that it had gathered conclusive evidence to prove that the Government of North Korea had orchestrated the cyber-attack on Sony Pictures. This was followed by a verbal attack by president Obama who promised a “proportional response”.

 In an almost immediate response, North Korea issued strong statement denying the allegations that it had been involved in the Sony attack and demanded an apology from the United States. Then a few hours later, something happened -- North Korea lost its connection to the web, an incident suspected to have been orchestrated by the U.S in response to the Sony attack or a preemptive move by Pyongyang to forestall a U.S attack.

Leading experts in cybersecurity are now claiming that the FBI’s findings were unsubstantial.  The weakness in FBI’s evidence is best articulated by Marc Rogers in his article published in The Daily Beast.

The satirical movie “The Interview” was due to be released on Christmas and revolves around a plot to murder Kim Jong-Un, and thus North Korea would be interested in hacking Sony to prevent the release of the movie.

According to Marc Rogers, “the Director of security operations for DEF CON, the world’s largest hacker conference, and the principal security researcher for global CDN and DNS provider Cloudflare”, the 2014 Sony attack is likely to be work of a disgruntled employee who was due to be laid off.  In his article, Rogers tares down all the evidence provided by the FBI.

 First, he points out that the FBI’s finding that the Malware was similar to others used by North Korea is not a “remotely plausible evidence” that the attack was orchestrated by the DPRK.
By stating that, the FBI was more likely referring to Shamoon and DarkSeoul, malwares which were thought to have been launched by North Korea – findings which were also disputed by Rogers and other security experts.

He also discredited the second piece of evidence presented by the FBI and which referred to the “significant overlap between the infrastructure used in this attack and other malicious cyber activity the U.S. government has previously linked directly to North Korea.”

According to Rogers, just because an IP address has previously been used for Cybercrime activities it does not mean that the IP will always be linked to future cybercrime activities associated with it. Security experts understand that IP addresses can be permanent, however, at other times “IPs can last just a few seconds.”

 The FBI should therefore have focused on the server rather than the IP address.
The IPs found in the Malware code were all, except one, public proxies and they have all been used by “malware operators in the past”.

According to Rogers, cybercriminals routinely use proxies to conceal their identities. Therefore, the FBI can’t use that to blame North Korea for the Sony attack.
Here is a brief of the evidence produced by Rogers and other experts to prove that North Korea did NOT hack Sony.

  1. The anti-North Korean bias of the movie was only brought up after the media highlighted that. The hackers never mentioned the film right from the start of the hacking activity. 
  2. They dumped the data rather than use it, North Korea would have used it for propaganda or otherwise. This points to the fact that whoever hacked Sony was only interested in humiliating it. 
  3. Blaming North Korea was an easier escape for the real people who orchestrated the hack or who provided the means through which it was facilitated. 
  4. Blaming North Korea is also convenient for the U.S government. According to Rogers, “It’s the perfect excuse to push through whatever new, strong, cyber-laws they feel are appropriate, safe in the knowledge that an outraged public is fairly likely to support them.”
  5. The last bit of evidence is particularly interesting. According to Marc Rogers, “The Hard-coded paths and passwords found in the malware shows that whoever wrote the code had extensive knowledge of Sony’s internal architecture and access to key passwords.”

There is information that Sony was planning massive layoffs and the hacking could be better blamed on a disgruntled employee rather than the DPRK.

Rogers ends his article by stating that: I am no fan of the North Korean regime. However I believe that calling out a foreign nation over a cybercrime of this magnitude should never have been undertaken on such weak evidence. The evidence used to attribute a nation state in such a case should be solid enough that it would be both admissible and effective in a court of law. As it stands, I do not believe we are anywhere close to meeting that standard.

Photo Credit:Stefan Krasowski

Court Authorizes Life Support to be Taken off a Pregnant Brain Dead Irish Woman

Word News -- A young pregnant woman who has been clinically dead for three weeks now will be taken off life support after a three-judge bench found that there was no chance of giving birth to a live baby.

The brain dead woman has been deteriorating fast and, according to the court, “the prospect for the unborn is nothing but distress and death.” Conor Dignam SC and Cormac Corrigan SC, representing the interest of the unborn and the woman, respectively, told the court they will not appeal the ruling.

The woman in question is 18 weeks pregnant and was 15 weeks into gestation when doctors declared her clinically dead on 3rd of December in Dublin Hospital.  Her condition was occasioned by a brain injury she suffered at another hospital just outside Dublin on November 29th.  She had been admitted at the hospital after checking in for severe headaches.

Doctors at the Dublin hospital were concerned about the legal implications of her pregnancy, arising from the legal provision to maintain the right to life of the unborn and, therefore, had placed her on somatic life support treatment.

Her father, her partner and the extended family made an application to the court seeking orders to stop the somatic life support in order for them to accord her a dignified burial. Her father cited how distressed her eldest daughter had been when she visited her mother.

During the case, seven doctors provided evidence to the court and none of them expressed the need to continue treatment or if there was any chance of the baby being born alive if the treatment continued. The court was informed of how her condition was fast deteriorating--She had an open wound on the head, with infections and a rotting brain.

The court based its decision on prevailing medical evidence that shows poorer prognosis of the unborn child if the mother suffers brain death in early gestation. Thus the court was satisfied that it was in the best interest of the unborn child to authorize the withdrawal of life support in this “tragic and unfortunate” case. 

23 December, 2014

North Korea went offline in a Suspected U.S Payback for Sony Attack

World News – According to the New York Times, North Korea lost it’s already struggling internet connection.  While this could be as a result of a normal failure – or Pyongyang’s preemptive measure to forestall an impeding attack – there are chances that this was U.S sponsored DDOS attack.

 The attack happened on Monday, hours after President Obama’s declaration that the U.S would take a “proportional response” to the “cybervandalism” orchestrated against Sony Pictures.

The internet connection in North Korea began to slow down over the weekend as its officials denied role in Sony attack and demanded to be part of the investigation on the incident – a request that was flatly rejected by the U.S.  By Monday, Internet connection had completely failed.

U.S officials who are actively pursuing ways of preventing the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)  from sending malicious codes to other countries, including discussions with the China (provides telecommunications connections to North Korea), declined to talk about the monday failure.

Marie Harf, a State Department spokeswoman, said on Monday, “We aren’t going to discuss, you know, publicly operational details about the possible response options”.  “As we implement our responses, some will be seen, some may not be seen,” she added.

It is not clear whether the connection had been overloaded, cut, or attacked.  Experts caution that there could be many possibilities including an attempt by Pyongyang to prevent an attack by taking systems offline.
According to Chris Nicholson, Akamai’s spokesperson, it is particularly hard to pinpoint the problem given official internet protocol addresses in DPRK only stand at 1,024, thus only giving a trickle of information. In comparison the United States has billions of addresses.

By Tuesday morning, the few connections available to outside world, which are only accessed by the military and the elite, were still offline.  However, a few connections began to comeback, after more than 10 hours of internet blackout.

North Korea’s connections to the outside world are provided by the State run Star Joint Ventures, and almost all of them are run through China. Experts are also looking at a possibility where China simply cut off its stubborn neighbor.

Internet connection to the DPRK begun to wobble on Friday, with experts alleging a DDOS attack (distribution of denial of service, in which attackers flood a network with traffic until it collapses under load). If the attack is American in origin, then this would be a rare instance in which the U.S disables another nation’s internet connection.

Documents released by Snowden shows that the U.S has placed “implants” on strategic places around the world, including network connections to specific computers.

The spokeswoman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Hua Chunying, said it was very early to know if the Sony attack originated from North Korea but reaffirmed China’s strong opposition to cyberattacks and cyberterrorism.
 Photo Credit:José Fernandes Jr

22 December, 2014

President Zuma ‘off the hook’ for Lavish Spending on Home Security Upgrades

President Jacob Zuma: File/photo

Africa News – South African President, Jacob Zuma, says he has been cleared from accusations blaming him for the lavish R250 million (about $22 Million) in security upgrades at his Nkandla homestead. 

The escalation of costs in Zuma’s home security upgrades have turned into a major controversy of his presidency.

In a recorded interview with SABC, Zuma specified that all the three reports that looked into the matter did not find any wrong doing on his part.

Referring to himself in third person, President Zuma said “The reality is, the president did absolutely nothing wrong”. “There is not a single one (report) that found anything wrong that the president had doene”, he continued.

According to him, even the report done by Public Protector Thuli Madonsela had not found any fault in him.

The Madonsela report indicated that President Zuma and his family had unduly benefited from some of the upgrades conducted at his home, suggesting that he should personally pay back some money.
In response to that, he said “But the president did ask for any benefits from anyone”.

At the time of the interview with SABC, Zuma was still awaiting report from a committee that was set to look into Madonsela’s report before deciding on the next step.

It emerged that the security upgrades at the President’s home included a pool (referred to as the firepool), a chicken run, and an amphitheater. 

Unidentified Drone Seen Flying over Nuclear Facilities in Belgium

Doel Nuclear Plant. Photo Credit: Woodwalker Via Wikimedia

World  News --The Belga news agency reported on unexplained drone that was spotted flying over Belgium’s nuclear facility, one day after the facility was restored after being shut for four months.

The mysterious unmanned aircraft appeared on Saturday, and resembles similar sightings over nuclear facilities in France. The Belgium authorities have refused to provide further details on the occurrence.

Since October, France has recorded over 20 mysterious drones flying over its nuclear plants.
"We can confirm that the East Flanders prosecutor's office has opened an investigation into a drone flight over the Doel nuclear plant," said a spokesman for investigations on the incident.
"We will not provide further information for the time being," the spokesman told Belga news agency.

The expansive Doel nuclear plant is located on a riverbank near the North Sea approximately 25 Kilometers north of Antwerp. The plant holds four of the seven nuclear reactors in Belgium.
One of the four reactors was halted in August following a leak that happened due to tampering, which caused 65,000 liters of lubricant to leak. 

This caused severe damage to a 1700 ton steam turbine, and this necessitated repairs. The repair work was done in Germany at a cost of $45 million.

Belgian investigators are considering the sabotage as an act of terrorism. This revelation comes hot on the heels of the Sony attack, an incident which made world news.
There seems to be a change of tactic in settling scores between unfriendly nations.

21 December, 2014

Shock as the shooting of NYPD police officers is praised on Social Media

Crime scene

World News -- Two NYPD officers dressed in civilian clothes were shot dead on Saturday afternoon as they sat in a police car along a Brooklyn street corner. Investigations allege that the shooter was avenging the shootings of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. The two killed officers were identified as Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu. The shooter, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, turned the gun on himself as police officers closed in on him.
 Murdered NYPD officers: Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos

According to witness accounts, Brinsley advanced towards the Police vehicle and shot the occupants in the head from the front passenger window without uttering a word. He then stood there for a moment before bolting into the subway when he heard sirens from an approaching second police car.
It is alleged that Brinsley was a fugitive who had killed his girlfriend in Baltmore on Saturday morning.
Suspected Shooter: Ismaaiyl Brinsley

Just three hours before the shooting, a person believed to be the shooter posted a message on Instagram. “I’m Putting Wings on Pigs Today. They Take 1 Of ours… Let’s Take 2 of Theirs, This May Be My Final Post”, read the message.  Three hashtags were used in the post – #ShootThePolice, with two others referring to Garner and Brown.

There are tensions within the NYPD due to fears that many people may want to copy, particularly when the social media response from the antipolice community is considered. On Friday night a #ThankYouNYPD rally was outnumbered and taunted by an opposing police group protesting police killings.

Praises on Twitter and Facebook

The antipolice hailed praises on Brinsley, some terming him a legend. Sample these tweets:

Brandon: Guess NYPD can’t breath after all

Fuck The Police: KARMA came around for the #NYPD sad but true

Britta: I truly don’t care that cops just got shot in the head in NYC. It’ll take drastic measures to change a racist nation that murders its citizens

Vintage Honey: *sips ice cold lemonade* RT“@radicalhearts: -Reads the news about the two cops in Brooklyn.- ... So... Anyone care for a glass of lemonade?”

Dan Anson Handsome: BREAKING: NYPD gets what they deserve

BEEday: I read the Story. Really don’t care about those two cops dying. Moving along.

Browniee: I Couldn’t care less about those cops though.. to be completely honest. I can’t even pretend to.

HalfAve: That nigga that shot the cops is a legend

Binder fulla thots: How could you not predict cops getting shot doe. They are literally killing lack and brown folks for any and every reason EXECUTION style.

International Hoev: I really hope them cops ain’t get shot for something would send a greater message if they got it for just being cops

#SIXBURGHSTEELERS: @_solssss: Niggas doing SHOUTOUTS on FB to the guy that shot the cops. I’m scrolling down my TL like”.

666: “@nypost: BREAKING: Two police officers shot in the head in Brooklyn, both critically injured. Story to come.” I’m glad fuck cops!

Sean Paul Gaulteir: Shouts out to whoever shot those two cops in the head in bk #RNI.

Lord Finesse: Nigga who shot them cops took one for the team. Salute

Marie: Am I the only one happy about this breaking new 2 cops getting shot

Looks like the old wise United States got a really problem at home in this developing world news.

ISIS Executes 100 Foreign Fighters Who Tried To Quit

Foreign ISIS fighter: AP Photo

World News -- According to the British Financial Times Newspaper, ISIS executed 100 of foreign fighters who tried to leave the group’s headquarters in Raqqa, Syria.  An activist opposed to ISIS and the Assad regime confirmed the executions of foreign fighters trying to escape the group’s capital.

ISIS has created a military police wing to deal with foreign fighters who declined to report on duty.  Tens of homes have already been raided and dozens of jihadists arrested.

Many foreign jihadists who were eager to join the group are now coming to the reality of fighting for a terrorist outfit.  In October, the British press reported that 5 Britons, 3 French, 2 Belgians and 2 Germans wanted to go back home after they realized that they were fighting against other rebel groups other than Assad’s government. They were being held as prisoners at that time and it’s not clear if they were part of those executed.

The International Center for the Study of Radicalization at the London’s King’s College reports that there are between 30 and 50 Britons who want to go back home but fear being jailed. Group
The extremist group has lost considerable ground since coalition forces, led by the United States, launched airstrikes against it. The past few weeks have been particularly bad for ISIS.

On Thursday, Iraq Kurds reported to have pushed back ISIS and liberated Mount Sinjar where Yazidi fighters and civilians had been trapped by the extremists for a month.  The Kurdish forces have stepped up their operation in a bid to take back Swathes of land taken by the ISIS.

The pentagon has also reported killing several ISIS leaders in airstrikes.

 ISIS has made world news in the last few months and looked unstoppable slightly more than a month ago, but now their momentum has weakened significantly as it loses many fighters coupled with a decreasing ability to attract new ones. 

20 December, 2014

According to UAC, Russia has surged ahead of the U.S in the production of new military planes

World News -- Reports running in the Russian media indicates that Russia might have surpassed the U.S in the production of new combat planes. During an interview with Ekho Moskvy Radio, Vladislav Goncharenko, a deputy in the department of military aviation programs at the United Aircraft-Building Corporation (UAC), stated that Russia has overtaken the United States in the number of combat planes produced.

The UAC delivered 68 planes in 2013, however, the figures have risen to 100 in 2014, 95 of which are combat planes for the Russian Air Force.

In addition to the production of new planes, UAC subsidiaries (Irkut, Mikoyan, Sukhoi, Ilyushin, Tupolev, Yakovlev and Beriev) are modernizing existing aircraft and developing new weapon systems.

Though there are no corresponding numbers on the U.S side to validate the claim, the staggering number of planes added to the frontline units of the Russian Air force is a clear indication of Moscow’s resolve to maintain its global military influence.  It’s clear that U.S technology will remain ahead of Russia’s for years to come, however, military strategists know that quantity rather than quality can prove to be decisive in war.

Russia has also equipped the PAK-FA T 50 prototypes with Himalayas EW defense systems to enhance jamming resistance and gain self-protection capabilities. The first PAK-FA 5th generation stealth aircraft should be delivered to the Russian Air Force by 2016. While reconnaissance and combat drones will be operational by 2018. UAC is also conducting major studies on 6th generation aircraft. 
Military rivalry between the two nations have made world news for centuries.

Photo credit: Dmitry Terekhov via photopin cc

19 December, 2014

How Kenyans Misused Google in 2014

The report on how Kenyans faired on Google in 2014 is out and guess what, it’s the usual suspects who are topping google searches – Vera Sidika, English Premier League (EPL) and, “Panda Mbegu” mastermind, Pastor Kanyari.

Vera Sidika

Kenya News -- While Kenya has witnessed a tremendous growth in online activity, Kenyans haven’t figured out a better use of the World Wide Web other than for quenching and complementing their entertainment  wants—stalking local socialites to boost one’s gossip IQ; devouring all EPL content for the sole purpose of charming friends and strangers alike during debates on which team will do what, what changes should be made when and where, which player is the biggest letdown, how much they gained or lost by purchasing so and so, etc. etc.

EPL football evaluations, discussions and recommendations are held everywhere in Kenya – Barber shops, passenger pickup points, watchmen’s shade, in “chums” (narrow dangerous slum paths), Miraa (Khat) shades, and most importantly, while in the company of football-learned friends, probably imbibing a favorite drink at mama pima’s or sipping away Jebels and Moon Walkers in tiny Wines and Spirits shops in Nairobi West.

What did the report say?

The report was broken down in categories: in the “symptom search” category, terrified Kenyans gave first priority to Ebola, beating diabetes to the second spot and hypertension to third.

 In the “how to” category, Kenyans strangely searched for “how to survive” more than anything else (Will come back to this later in the article). “How to network” come in second, and “how to date” third.

in the “what is” category, top searches included what is transcoding and what is endometriosis, this seems to have been learning activities in some university, proving my point that the wider majority of Kenyans go online to look for opportunities to troll and to get entertained (you must have heard of the Twitter warfare wedged by KOT against Nigerians, South Africans, etc). Students basically use the free internet provided by universities to learn about EPL, celebrity gossip, download porn, Jicho pevu and watch Episodes of American and Mexican soaps.

 In the “trending people category”, Kenyans gave first priority to none other their very own light skin-toned and bootylicious Vera Sidika, followed by Otieno Kajwang, a former ODM senator who died recently and which dominated Kenya News. The third and fourth most searched people were Angel Di Maria (Manchester United Player) and Myles Munroe, respectively.
United "DAMU" = Manchester United Forever

Overall, the most searched was OLX at number one, English Premier League at second sport, followed by Higher Education Loans Board, the KRA. Pastor Kanyari was somewhere in top 10. 

How to survive?

It beats logic to think that the very Kenyans wasting time on gossip are at the same people looking for survival tricks. Or did they mean search for how to survive Al-Shabaab attack or Ebola attack? If it is “how to survive” hard economic realities then there is no better advice than asking my fellow Kenyans to dedicate a large proportion of their time to productive endeavors. 

18 December, 2014

Heavy Police Presence as Chaos Break out in Parliament due to Security Bill

Police patrol outside parliament. Photo: Nation Media

 Kenya News -- Hundreds of police officers were deployed outside parliament and nearby streets following fears that protests could occur in a bid to stop the debate on the controversial security bill. The intimidating police officers in full riot gear were already at Parliament Road and Harambee Avenue by 6am Thursday. However, there presence did not deter chaos from breaking out inside parliament.

 Kenya has experienced a wave attacks blamed on Alshabaab, the terrorist group based in Somalia. In the past weeks the government has been blamed for violating the rights of citizens in its attempt to curb rising insecurity. This has particularly occurred in Nairobi, Coast, and North Eastern.

 The proposed amendments were intended to give the president and spy agencies more powers. The opposition and rights groups have opposed the bill, terming it “Draconian”, and protests had been planned outside parliament to oppose the bill. Some of the controversial elements that sparked chaos include:

  • The right for police to detain terror suspects for up to a year 
  • Empowering intelligence agencies to tap communications without consent 
  • The requirement for journalists to obtain permission from police for conducting investigations or publishing stories relating to security and terrorism. 

 Chaos in Parliament 

 Opposition members of parliament tore copies of the bill, shouting that Kenya was now becoming a police state. Officials were forced to adjourn the debate twice as opposition and pro-government lawmakers engaged in fist fights. Two opposition MPs threw water to the Deputy Speaker, Joyce Laboso, after she ordered them out of the house.

Opposition MPs had vowed to scuttle the process unless they be provided with more time to scrutinize the document. Previous incidences of rivalry between the two camps are widely reported in Kenya News.
The government has faced challenges while dealing with terror suspects as they law forbids it from withholding the suspects for long, unless a reason is provided and the detention approved by the courts.

 Publishing of graphic images after terror incidents has caused anxiety and fear in the public to the point of triggering protests like it was witnessed recently. It’s on the two accounts, that the government thought the bill was necessary for the country’s security needs.

Nigerian Soldiers to be executed for refusing to fight Boko Haram

Africa News --54 Nigerian soldiers were sentenced to death by a court martial for refusing to fight and help in the recapture of towns that had been overrun by Boko Haram militants in August.  The lawyer representing the 54 accused of mutiny said they will be executed by a firing squad. The initial number was 59 but five of them were acquitted.

Nigerian is one of the several countries in Africa faced by the threat of terrorism.  Troops in the West African country have often complained of lack of enough weapons to battle Boko Haram insurgents.  
Boko Haram has waged war since 2009 in a push to create an Islamic state in North Eastern Nigeria. More than 2000 people have perished directly and thousands displaced following the conflict. 

The court martial proceedings started in October and have been conducted behind closed doors since then. According to the defense lawyer, Femi Falani, the soldier were charged for "conspiring to commit mutiny against the authorities of 7 Division, Nigerian Army".

The case brings to the fore the questions of how Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa, is prepared to protect its citizens against Islamic insurgency. Insecurity in Nigeria has dominated Africa News in the past few years. 

14 Year-old Murder Convict Exonerated 70 Years after Execution

World News -- How late can justice come? Really! A circuit court judge threw out the case, 70 years after a South Carolina court found a 14 year-old boy guilty of murder and sentenced him to death. It is said that the boy was so small that a phone book was used to help him fit into the electric chair.  The decision to vacate the case against George Stinney Jr. was arrived at on Wednesday morning by Judge Carmen Mullins.  The black teen was sentenced to death in 1994 after being found guilty of beating two white girls to death.

Long road to justice

Civil society activists have worked for years to reopen the case, stating that Stinney was coerced to confess the killings. Stinney weighed only 47.5Kgs at the time of his arrest. According to official accounts, Stinney had admitted beating the two girls, 11 years and 8 years with a railroad spike.
In 2009, his sister came forward to claim that she was with him all day on the day the murders are alleged to have been committed. Stinney was tried and executed within three months. The trial lasted on 3 hours, and the twelve white judges used only 10 minutes to pass the sentence.

Stinney is often regarded as the youngest person executed in the United States in the 20th Century. At the time of his execution, 14 years was the legal age for one to take criminal responsibility. It will be interesting to see how things develop after the ruling. 

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