Showing posts with label Kenya. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kenya. Show all posts

10 January, 2015

The War that Kenyans Must Fight

We must not visualize a future united Kenya if we don't come to the realization that the typical poor Kenyan, whether Luo, Kikuyu, Luhya or Mijikenda shares 99.9% of the day to day difficulties facing ordinary people.

You who live in a one room shanty in Mathare, Kibera, Kawangware, or even in areas that a bit well off. Don't you have neighbors who represent other ethnic groups in Kenya? Don't they come to ask for some help when things are really bad? And don't you borrow from them when things aren't good on your side? Why then should they take insults for things they just saw in the press, same way as you?

I Know that 99.9% of you  have never benefited because a member of your tribe was elected to head this or be part of this and that. Then why do you run to their defense when he or she errs?

You and I know that there is small clout of powerful Kenyans, who share resources among themselves, irrespective of their tribal affiliation. Just as you knock on your poor neighbor's house to borrow something without considering their tribe, so do the rich and powerful Kenyans interact.

If we have to defend our leaders then it must never be for the simple reason that we come from the same ethnic group. If they mean well for all of us and are doing all they can for the good of all Kenyans then what they deserve is praise, rather than condemnation, irrespective of their tribe. If they are doing the opposite then what they deserve is condemnation, irrespective of their tribe.

We must turn this war into a war that aims to achieve  fairness for all ordinary people, irrespective of tribal affiliations. Otherwise, hatred begets hatred, and everyone should go to their ancestral lands and build their own country there if the objective of our struggle is to defend our tribe and condemn other tribes.

Patriotic Kenyan

09 January, 2015

How to spot a good woman

Apparently, discussions about the things to look for in a woman as old as marriage itself but with changing times – equal opportunities, feminism and all – the traditional qualities of good women have largely changed. So how do you spot a good woman in the 21st century? Here are the 15 basic things to look for, as advised by Yangki Christine Akiteng – A love Doctor.

  1. She does not try to change you (accepts you the way you are).
  2. She enjoys being around you always, not only when you are doing things to please her
  3. She does all she can to make you happy, often sacrificing her own time and effort
  4. She is contented with herself, does not always look for attention to boost her self-esteem. 
  5. She will always be there for you, whether things are good or bad.
  6. She says something and sticks to it. There are no mind games with real good women.
  7. She knows that for a relationship to work, partners must contribute 50 /50 and she does exactly that.
  8. She respects you always, whether in public or private.
  9. She is nice to everyone, whether she has something to gain from them or not. 
  10. She has a genuine desire to get into a relationship with you.
  11. You both have a liking for similar things.
  12. She is not embarrassed nor does she show too much pride in the fact that she loves you. 
  13. She takes life positively and is happy with it.
  14. She makes you feel important, your faults and shortcomings notwithstanding. 
  15. Her smile welcomes you and you can see its deep from her heart.

08 January, 2015

Did Paul Kobia Kill Fidel Odinga?

News doing rounds in social media circles allege that Paul Kobia, a controversial city businessman who was named in the UN report on the DRC gold smuggling syndicate and who was  last September involved in gun drama with bodyguards of the Former Premier Raila Odinga, is behind the death of Fidel Castro Odinga (Raila Odinga's eldest son).

The allegations were made by Robert Alai on his blog kahawa Tungu
Her is the exact post on the blog

Paul Kobia was early this week heard bragging to some patrons and the owner of Buffet Park, Mr Muya that he killed Hon Raila Odinga’s son, Fidel Odinga. In one of the most stupid showmanship, the thug and runaway killer who has connections right inside State House confessed to the patrons that he killed Fidel because he organised his assault.
The confessions were heard by friends of Fidel who have revealed this to security officers. Kobia made the confession on Monday night at Buffet park. The security officers have refused to act because Paul Kobia enjoys State House protection. He moves around in a convoy of cars including police chase cars. Paul Kobia is also always armed with weapons including shotguns and pistols.
It is not clear why Paul Kobia enjoys such kind of state protection. He is known to be a friend of Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko who has constantly refuted this saying that he is not a friend of Kobia.
Friends of Raila are now demanding that Kobia be arrested.
Paul kobia has however been arrested and is assisting police officers with information on the allegations. It will be interesting to see how things turn on this one. 

06 January, 2015

The National Assembly: Once Again a Myopic Rubberstamp Authority

By Nyona Matende -- Opinionated 

There is no doubt that President Uhuru Kenyatta, and his deputy William Ruto, are admired for their charismatic style and expansive worldviews, which are indeed considered to be essential for good leadership. However, such admiration is fast fading as the government they head resorts to desperate measures in a bid to deal with insecurity and other challenges. 

  For the past couple of years, the actions of the Kenyan Government, whether in bad faith or not, have been interpreted by some as a deliberate attempt to limit the hard-earned freedoms and rights of Kenyans. The government is noticeably overwhelmed by its functions (provision of basic rights to Kenyans), and has resorted to measures that are akin to limiting the very rights and freedoms it’s required to protect.

As expected, the unorthodox methods the government is advancing to solve Kenyan problems have received overwhelming support from the pro-government National Assembly.

 Quite a number of legislative pieces have been advanced by or forwarded to the National Assembly, a supposed oversight body that is quickly morphing into the Moi-era rubberstamp authority it once was.

 These unfortunate grouping of Kenyans elected to represent KENYANS is finding it more reasonable to advance their own interests and interests of their political masters due to the selfish need to safeguard their political future. Who really elected you Mr MP?

The recent fist fights that were witnessed during the passing of the controversial security laws is a testament of how impetuous the house has become. The critical functions of the National Assembly have been reduced to mere rivalry between Jubilee and Cord, and the chest thumping pro-government majority is acting like a real government marionette in its rubberstamping duties. They are hell bend on approving anything opposed by the opposition, even in the face of legitimate concerns.

The opposition is not blemish free

The opposition group in the National Assembly is not however made of saints either. Who doesn’t recall when they joined hands with their pro-government majority to pass a bill that sought to raise their own salaries, sparking the #OccupyParliament protests?  They have also provided unwavering support in the fight for power against equally or even more important institutions like County Governments, The Judiciary, Salaries and Remunerations Commission (SRC), and The Senate, picking up teenage-like squabbles at the slightest overlap of powers and functions.

There is no time in history when leaders who are honest to the needs of their people have joined hands with contrasting leaders for a one time good-for-leaders opportunity. If the opposition has divergent views on what is right for Kenyans then this should be seen in all their undertakings in the house – not only when their interests are not taken care of.

What an excuse for a National Assembly  

What were are seeing is unprecedented levels of immaturity, and sycophancy motivated by the need for political survival and material success. Unfortunately, this was long predicted because many of the people Kenyans put in the National Assembly during the last elections were first timers and now they have tested power and are not sure on how to navigate the murky waters that is Kenyan politics. So, naturally, sycophancy is the easiest way out.  I think if we were to rate parliaments since independence, this one will clearly emerge as the most rowdy, clueless, and loathsome.
In 2013, the slapdash house legislated and rubberstamped a legislation in which media houses and journalists were to pay fines as high as 20 Million Shillings (about $200,000) for “irresponsible” reporting. The bill had no clear definition of what sort of reporting is considered ‘irresponsible reporting’ and, therefore, it was more intended to limit media freedoms – freedoms gained through blood and sweat.

It’s regrettable that the pro-government legion is the one on the forefront in undermining the constitution. Isn’t it myopic to make dangerous changes to the constitution just because you are on the right side of the present day government?  Anyone with a shred of intellect will tell you that such changes will last beyond the present day regime and, therefore, there are chances that the controversial pieces of legislation may be used against the excited Mps who think that the advantages they enjoy today will last for a lifetime.

As it has become a tradition, the controversial pieces sanctioned by the National Assembly are heavily donned in legal jargon to confuse the ignorant Mwananchi. As you may or may not be aware, many of our MPs are lawyers who have perfected the art of scheming but no real experience in honest and true representation.

Unqualified for the job

While Kenyans lament the incompetence of various government agencies, I think it’s about time they drew their attention to the most incompetent institution of governance– the National Assembly.

Why are they so incompetent?

Well, parliament is supposed to only play the roles of representation, oversight, and law making. The national assembly is simply an institution of governance in which the interests of the common mwananchi are to be advanced by the people they have elected to represent them.

The constitution outlines the agreement between the government and the citizens, and it’s the role of parliament to ensure that laws provide the best conditions for citizens and not vice versa. While previous parliaments have recognized this and advanced such courses, the present day parliament is increasing being held by the balls to advance courses that are endorsed through party affiliations, whether good for mwananchi or not. 

We wish to remind you that Kenyans can live with an ineffective and weak National Assembly but will not seat back and watch the same group play a leading role in reversing gains that were only made possible through blood and sweat.

There are many countries around the globe in which sycophancy as the only true road to political success. Go there please. Kenyans just want honest leadership, whether in parliament or the church.

Here is a challenge

 If you are a true leader do what is in the best interest of the people who elected you, even if that puts your political future at risk, and leave KARMA to avenge the injustices you face for being honest to your people. 

05 January, 2015

3 People Confirmed Dead, 40 Rescued, one Row almost cleared in Huruma Building Collapse

A survivor being transferred to an Ambulance

As of now, up to 40 people have been rescued so far, 3 confirmed dead, including a woman and one day old infant.

According witness accounts, the building came down at 8pm, Sunday. It is said that huge cracks begun to emerge at around 7.30pm and some residents escaped when the building started shaking. Those already out screamed to other tenants still inside to leave the building, before it came tumbling down at around 8pm.

Rescue teams had trouble accessing the site due to crowds of people milling around and police were forced to apply force in dispersing them.

Rescue is still ongoing

The building had two rows, rescue teams are almost clearing one raw before moving on to the next.
Some relatives have come forward to claim that they still can’t find their family members. About 8 people are still missing according to relatives’ accounts but the numbers could be higher.

The building is said to have collapsed on an adjacent informal 
mabati settlement and there are fears that residents of the informal settlement could still be trapped under the rubble.

Rescue teams include the Kenya Red Cross, National youth service, KDF, and Police. People are receiving emergency treatment before being referred to various hospitals. About 28 people have been treated and discharged.

Acting police Inspector General, Samuel Arachi, has said that everyone involved in the construction of the building including Engineers, Developer, Contractor, and Architect should come forward with immediate effect. He has also hinted that they will be charged with murder. The same sentiments were echoed by Evans Kidero, Nairobi Governor.

04 January, 2015

2 Dead, 40 Rescued, Dozens still trapped in Huruma building Collapse.

BREAKING NEWS: News just coming in indicates that a 7 storey building has collapsed in Huruma’s Casanova area, Nairobi. The residential building was still under construction and 5 floors had already been occupied. 

The building collapsed at around 7pm, Sunday night, at time when most residents were at home. 

Many are feared dead or trapped and rescue teams are currently rushing to the scene.
Huruma is a poor neighborhood dominated by residential flats.


 As of Monday morning two people were confirmed dead. A child’s body was pulled from the rubble while another person died on the way to hospital, according to accounts given by an official from Disaster Operation Centre.

Rescue teams have so far pulled more than 40 survivors out of the collapsed building but it’s not clear how many are still trapped.

Most of those rescued have been admitted to local health facilities. 
It is now emerging that the building developed cracks last year but residents continued to live in it.

Nairobi Governor, Evans Kidero, has just held a press conference  stating that the developer, contractor,and builders of the collapsed building will be arrested and charged. It is now emerging that the county government only approved a four-storey building but it was developed up to seven floors.  Read the latest updates here 3 People Confirmed Dead, 40 Rescued, One Row Almost Cleared In Huruma Building Collapse

Plan Crash Lands at JKIA, No one is hurt

Kenya News --- A Fokker 50, arriving at the Nairobi’s Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) was forced to crash-land after its landing gear failed to drop. The plane was arriving from Wajir, Northern Kenya, with 6 passengers. No one was injured in the late morning incident.

The runway was sprayed immediately after the plane landed to prevent any fire incidents.

Information from the Kenya Airports Authority indicate that the runway is now closed and incoming flights have been diverted to Mombasa. It’s not clear when the Airport will be reopened but this should be soon. 
Photo Credit: 

Raila Odinga’s Son, Fidel Odinga, has passed on

Fidel Odinga, Wife and Son. Photo: Elvis Ogina

BREAKING NEWS--- Kenya is in shock following the devastating news that Fidel Odinga has died. Fidel was the eldest son of Kenya’s former Prime Minister and leader of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), Raila Odinga.

Fidel Odinga was found dead this morning in his Karen home. According to police sources, the cause of death is yet to be established but it is alleged that Fidel was out with friends on Saturday night and only came home Sunday morning.

The youthful Odinga was a businessman and an aspiring politician and his sudden death has stunned Kenyans. He is survived by his wife and one year-old son.

Police are now investigating what could have caused the death and their first course of action is to establish where he was last night and those who were with him.

At the time of writing, the family was preparing to transfer the body to Lee Funeral Home.
Messages of condolence are streaming in from Kenyans of all walks of life, particularly through social media platforms.

A group of Senators and members of parliament have arrived at the home of Raila Odinga to support the family during this trying moment.

More to come

29 December, 2014

Tweets that Defined the Outcome of KOT Vs. South Africa Twitter War

Kenyans on Twitter (KOT)

Kenyans on Twitter (KOT) are an emerging voice and defender of the interests of Kenya. In June 2012, CNN warned surfers to be aware of KOT, terming it “an influential and vocal group on Twitter, using common hashtag and blazing keyboards to ensure their African country is discussed fairly and with respect”.  A few months down the line, the same CNN was forced to apologize after finding itself on the wrong side of KOT.

 In a period of about six years, KOT has expanded tremendously and reaffirmed its resolve to defend Kenya against whoever and whatever – be it other countries, unfair reporting, parliamentarians, incompetent cabinet secretaries – and push for courses that are seen to be important or beneficial to Kenyans. Activists are now using KOT to spread their message and gain support.

In 2013 court mercilessly crushed helpless opponents including Tanzania, Uganda, and Nigeria reminding them to respect KOT because it rules Africa. Call it trivial or petty, but be sure KOT will never stop until an opponent is beaten properly. However, most of the tweets are usually humorous.

There is no doubt that KOT is the most dangerous Cybergang on the continent, if not the world, having beaten two worthy opponents in 2014 and 2013 – Nigeria and South Africa.

KOT vs. South Africa

The KOT vs South Africa duel on Twitter was sparked after South Africa’s Sport and Recreation Minister, Fikile Mbalula made an off-topic comment that South Africa would not be like Kenya and send athletes to the Olympics to “drown in the pool”.  Here how KOT responded. The hashtag used here was #SomeoneTellSouthAfrica.

Don't forget to share on your favorite social media!

18 December, 2014

Heavy Police Presence as Chaos Break out in Parliament due to Security Bill

Police patrol outside parliament. Photo: Nation Media

 Kenya News -- Hundreds of police officers were deployed outside parliament and nearby streets following fears that protests could occur in a bid to stop the debate on the controversial security bill. The intimidating police officers in full riot gear were already at Parliament Road and Harambee Avenue by 6am Thursday. However, there presence did not deter chaos from breaking out inside parliament.

 Kenya has experienced a wave attacks blamed on Alshabaab, the terrorist group based in Somalia. In the past weeks the government has been blamed for violating the rights of citizens in its attempt to curb rising insecurity. This has particularly occurred in Nairobi, Coast, and North Eastern.

 The proposed amendments were intended to give the president and spy agencies more powers. The opposition and rights groups have opposed the bill, terming it “Draconian”, and protests had been planned outside parliament to oppose the bill. Some of the controversial elements that sparked chaos include:

  • The right for police to detain terror suspects for up to a year 
  • Empowering intelligence agencies to tap communications without consent 
  • The requirement for journalists to obtain permission from police for conducting investigations or publishing stories relating to security and terrorism. 

 Chaos in Parliament 

 Opposition members of parliament tore copies of the bill, shouting that Kenya was now becoming a police state. Officials were forced to adjourn the debate twice as opposition and pro-government lawmakers engaged in fist fights. Two opposition MPs threw water to the Deputy Speaker, Joyce Laboso, after she ordered them out of the house.

Opposition MPs had vowed to scuttle the process unless they be provided with more time to scrutinize the document. Previous incidences of rivalry between the two camps are widely reported in Kenya News.
The government has faced challenges while dealing with terror suspects as they law forbids it from withholding the suspects for long, unless a reason is provided and the detention approved by the courts.

 Publishing of graphic images after terror incidents has caused anxiety and fear in the public to the point of triggering protests like it was witnessed recently. It’s on the two accounts, that the government thought the bill was necessary for the country’s security needs.

17 December, 2014

Dozens trapped in a collapsed four-storey building in Kaloleni, Nairobi

Kenya News -- A four-story residential building has collapsed in Kaloleni, along Jogoo Road in Nairobi. Dozens are believed to be trapped under the rubble as the building allegedly housed more than 30 families. The building is reported to have collapsed at 3am, Wednseday morning while most of the residents were still asleep.

By early morning, only seven people had been rescued and taken to Kenyatta National Hospital. Many of the people trapped under the rubble are communicating with their family members. Rescue efforts are currently under way and are overseen by the Kenya Red Cross Society, the Kenya National Disaster Operation Centre, the Nairobi City Fire Brigade, and the National Youth service. The rescue operation is being supervised by the Military. This is currently the most followed Kenya News.

The building was still under construction and tenants had already occupied the ground, first, and second floors. Rescue operations are facing difficulties due to the fact that the building had only one exit.  This is expected to revive efforts to address poor workmanship on thousands of residential flats in the city. 

16 December, 2014

Stunning Pictures of the Kenyan Rift Valley

Kenya Tourism -- There is no doubt that Kenya is unbelievably beautiful. This point was proved beyond reasonable doubt in the previous article, Why I will tour Rusinga Island this Christmas. However, for the usual doubting Thomases, here is further proof.

These beautiful pictures were taken at Kerio Valley, part of the expansive rift valley in Kenya. There are several other points you can view the magnificent rift valley. At least these kind of beauty is unique to Kenya, unlike the white sand beaches, Parks, rift valley lakes, etc.  Another reason to tour this beautiful country.

The Oil exploration tempo in Kenya to remain largely unchanged in 2015

Kenya News -- While the news of falling oil prices has been bad enough for Nairobi and a host of international companies spearheading exploration activities in the country, there are signs that this will not have significant impact of the pace of oil search in the country.  This is the tone set by Tullow oil, one of the key companies spearheading oil exploration in Kenya and other East Africa countries.
Tullow’s CEO, Aidan Heavey, had the following to say:

In light of current oil and gas sector challenges including the commodity price environment, we are reviewing our capital expenditure and our cost base to ensure that Tullow is well positioned for future success.
Our overall exploration spend will be significantly reduced and will focus primarily on East Africa where we have major basin opening potential,” said Tullow’s chief executive officer Aidan Heavey. It targets to reduce the net exploration and appraisal budget for 2015 by $300 million, a situation that is likely to affect the firm’s exploration activity in Kenya.

High Hopes in Kenya

While exploration activities are expected to slow down considerably on the global scale, Kenya is one country in which oil exploration has a high chance of paying off. Commerciality has already been confirmed in wells dug in the Lokichar basin alone, and there are several other blocks with similar geological formation and which are expected to give good results. However, this does not imply that companies involved are not working on ways to cut their exploration spending.   According to the Kenya Oil and Gas Association, the umbrella organization for local oil explorers, each company will is expected to make its own evaluations.

Road to production

Even with the worsening oil prices, Tullow oil is still aiming to produce, oil by end of 2016. The oil will initially be sold in the local market. Kenya currently imports close to 100,000 barrels of oil a day to satisfy domestic demand.  Read here for more information on oil activity in Kenya and Uganda.

14 December, 2014

Will falling Oil Prices diminish the economic mood in Kenya and Uganda?

Oil Exploration Blocks: Government of Kenya
Kenya News -- A thoroughly done article appearing on “Fall in Oil Prices Threatens Africa’s Economic Growth” seems to suggest that the plummeting oil prices are detrimental to Africa’s economic progress.  The article done by three authors based in Abuja, Johannesburg, and Nairobi  pointed out that Africa had recently witnessed a boom in oil and gas discoveries and which many nations have pegged on to formulate strategies for economic prosperity and, therefore, dipping oil prices was bad news for the continent’s economic scene.

The article was quick to quote the billions of dollars that have been pumped into oil and gas exploration projects and such projects, for instance, the $16 billion oil project in Angola by Exxon Mobil and Total SA, would only be profitable if oil prices averaged more than $70 a barrel.  To put this in context, 60% of big oil finds in the recent past have all be in Africa. Currently Africa has 130 billion barrels of crude oil and more than 500 companies planning to tap it. More finds are expected with the increased exploration activities.

In a rather devastating development for produces, the price of oil has been going down and now it has hit a five-year low.  On Thursday, the price of crude oil had dropped to $63.68 as reported by the Citi group. Here is a closer look at Kenya, Uganda, and Nigeria.


Kenya has recently made viable oil discoveries but this is far from production. Unlike other promising economies in Sub-Saharan Africa, Kenya has not benefited from oil or mineral exports. The country has a diversified economy with agriculture, Manufacturing, service industry, and tourism proving to be more important to the Country’s economic wellbeing. In fact, mining and quarrying only contribute about 1% of the country’s GDP.  Kenya’s growth is mostly secured by sound macroeconomic policies.  

After rebasing its GDP, Kenya is now Africa’s 9th largest economy in Africa and has joined the ranks of a lower middle income country.
As with Uganda, Kenya has an economic blueprint called Vision 2030, which outlines plans and strategies for the nation to attain industrialized status by 2030.

As stated earlier Kenya has made impressive oil finds in the past three years. As stated here in the Huffingtonpost, oil findings in Kenya has made it “the hottest and fastest-paced hydrocarbon scene on the continent.” Oil deposits have already been confirmed in the Anza and South Lokichar basins which total to about 2.9 billion barrels.  Other un-explored basins like Ogaden and Kerio are estimated to have upwards of 7billion barrels.  The country has several other onshore and offshore blocks where exploration activities or plans are underway. Simply put, Kenya is the busiest oil exploration scene on the continent. However, the sweetest part of the oil news is kept with government and business circles as the government is keen on controlling euphoria which might politicize the resource. What Kenyans know is that their oil is far from commercial viability.  

Although Kenya is at the center of the $24.5 billion LAPSSET project, the initial plan was aimed at tapping into resources of neighboring South Sudan and Ethiopia by helping them access the Indian Ocean. However, the new oil finds in the country has led to some refocusing. With the promising finds, the country is already finalizing plans of massive infrastructure projects, mostly in conjunction with Uganda. Currently, there are discussions to develop a pipeline from Uganda to Lamu and save Uganda the agony of building a refinery for its oil.  
While Uganda first discovered oil in 2006, progress has been slow and production is slated for 2017. In contrast, commercial viability of Kenya’s oil was only confirmed in early 2014 and production is slated for 2016. 

Therefore, apart from the good feeling that comes with the knowledge that you have oil within your borders, Kenya has not achieved any gains from oil or has it implemented any large scale project to tap into the resource. Foreign companies might be rushing in to set shop in anticipation of a thriving oil economy but this cannot be independently verified. 

What is clear is that reduced oil prices have marginally reduced the cost of doing business and a reduction in the prices of basic commodities is also expected.  The reduction also reduces the cost of importing oil and thus helps the Shilling to stabilize.


 Uganda has 3.5 billion barrels of confirmed oil deposits. Recent estimates put the figure to be as high as $6.5 billion barrels, though recoverable oil remains at a lowly 1.4 Billion barrels. Several Companies, including Tullow Oil PLC and China’s Cnooc LTD are implementing a $15 billion plan to develop Uganda’s oil fields. There are fears that these Companies may slow down or halt their plans if the oil prices continue to fall.  

There is a lot of excitement in the country as it looks to launch the development of needed infrastructure in 2015 and, hopefully, commence production by 2017.
Uganda has an economic blueprint dubbed vision 2040. The economic blueprint, if followed to the letter, will transform the country from peasantry to a modern prosperous middle income country by 2040. Uganda does look at the oil find as the silver bullet that will propel it to a higher economic status, but if the resource is well-managed then it could give the country the much-needed boost. Jointly with other countries in the region, Uganda is working on a plan to develope huge infrastructural projects include railways, roads, and an oil pipeline which are part of the LAPSSET. Will the continued fall in oil prices affect Uganda’s economic ambitions? You be the judge but here is a clue – Just like Kenya, Uganda currently imports all of its oil. Spending less on importation is important for the country cut inflation.


Nigeria is looked at by Kenya and Uganda as a model oil producing country at it’s necessary to mention it here. Nigeria is Africa’s biggest economy and biggest oil producer on the continent, drilling about 100,000 barrels of crude oil a day. With the current expansion in telecommunications, retail and other sectors of the economy, oil only contributes about 14% of economic activity. 

However, up to 70% of the government’s budget comes from oil. This implies that public institutions and infrastructural projects depend disproportionately on the oil, compared to other sectors of the economy.  In fact the naira (Nigeria’s currency) has fallen to a record low in response to oil price related shocks. Nigeria is racing against time to develop infrastructure for its huge population. There is no doubt that the falling oil prices will affect the Nigerian economy in the long run. If the situation doesn’t resolve in the near future then the government might be forced to put on hold plans to double the Country’s oil production and preserve the precious commodity for a more opportune time. 


As for now Kenya and Uganda do not depend on revenues from oil to meet their budgetary requirements.  Reduced oil prices are benefiting them directly. The future of the still looks bright because OPEC will do what they have always done (cut production) for the prices to shoot again. Even so, the demand for oil is still growing and there is every indication that the forces will shift.

13 December, 2014

Kenya and Ghana Sign bilateral trade agreements

Kenyan and Ghanaian Delegations at Statehouse, Nairobi

Africa News -- Kenya and Ghana Sign bilateral trade agreements Ghanaian president, John Dramani Mahama, who has been in Kenya for two days now was hosted by his Kenyan counterpart, Uhuru Kenyatta at statehouse Nairobi. The two heads of state chaired bilateral talks held by delegations from the two countries.
The talks centered on the need to deepen economic and political. Ghana and Kenya are among the top emerging African powerhouses and, hence an increasing need to work together. In today’s meeting, the two presidents witnessed the signing of nine bilateral agreements which are aimed at increasing trade and political ties between the two nations

. As a result of the agreement, whose details are yet to be made public, Kenyans and Ghanaians are expected to work more closely to advance the interests of the two nations and the continent as a whole. Since President Uhuru Kenyatta came to power in April last year, Kenya has sought to deepen trade ties with African countries, particularly those in the West.

 A similar Nigerian delegation was hosted last year, during which the Nigerian billionare, Aliko Dangote, promised to setup a $400 million cement plant in Kenya.

11 December, 2014

Civil Society Activists abandons Donkeys in Nairobi CBD

Kenya News -- There was drama today when activists abandoned more than 20 donkeys in the streets of Nairobi.
The driver of the lorry that brought the animals said he was hired to transport the animals to the city center. According to him, when they got to the junction between Kenyatta Avenue and Muindi Mbingu Street, the activists who had hired him stopped the vehicle and jumped off with most of the donkeys.

 The driver then panicked, left the vehicle and attempted to hide before he was caught.  Some of the donkeys had injuries as they were forcefully pushed out of the lorry by the activists. All the donkeys had graffiti reading “Tumechoka”, which translates to “we are tired”.  The notorious human rights activist, Boniface Mwangi, was seen at the scene but quickly escaped for fear of being arrested.

Kenya has witnessed an increase in terrorism activities and rising cost of basic commodities in the recent past. The animals were therefore used to inform the government that Kenyans are tired of insecurity and high cost of living.

The donkeys gave the police and county council Askaris a hard time to the amusement of onlookers who had milled around to witness the rare spectacle.  Those remaining in the vehicle were driven away while those in the streets were herded out of the CBD.


Kenyan civil society activists have, in open disregard to the wishes of their animal rights counterparts, used animals to demonstrate against the government and parliament.  It’s only a year ago when activists poured buckets of blood at the entrance of parliament building and fetched pigs to lick and play in it during the occupy parliament protest. The demonstration was dubbed “Mpigs” and was directed at the “greedy” Members of Parliament (MPs) attempt to raise their salaries. 

07 December, 2014

Exposed: A Chinese Cybercrime Racket in Nairobi

One of the Houses (Photo credit: Daily Nation)
Kenya News -- Up to 77 Chinese nationals were arrested in Nairobi for allegedly operating a covert illegal cyber-command center. This involved three houses within a radius of 1km in the posh Runda area of Nairobi. In one of the houses, extensive equipment and software said to be capable of hacking into bank accounts, Mpesa accounts and even ATMs was found.

The racket was accidentally uncovered after the police responded to an incident in which fire had broken out in one of the houses, killing one person. According to police accounts, when they arrived at the house, they found the foreigners crowded in one room that had the communication equipment.
Typical of properties in the area, the compounds were electric wire fenced, and CCTV cameras installed at the gates.  37 of the 77 were arrested earlier, and on Wednesday, detectives raided one of the houses arresting 40 more Chinese Nationals.

The seriousness of the issue is underscored by the fact that Cabinet Secretaries for ICT (Fred Matiang’I) and Foreign Affairs (Amina Mohammed) have already paid a visit to the three houses, in which the equipment is still intact.

The discovery is a breakthrough in the war against cybercrime in Kenya. The country has been facing increased cybercrime events in the past months.

Nairobi Beijing Relations

Nairobi has enjoyed cordial relations with Beijing for close to a decade now and there are economic and infrastructural gains to show for that. But the surge in the number of Chinese nationals in the country has inevitably led to a few problems. For instance, a number of Chinese nationals have been arrested in Nairobi for selling or hawking substandard goods from China.

The impact of the new finding remains to be seen, however, the Chinese Government, through its embassy, has pleaded with Kenya for a fair trial against the 77.  Investigations are still underway but the 37 who were first arrested have already appeared before the court.

06 December, 2014

What Victor Wanyama can accomplish with his £30, 000 a Week Salary

Victor Wanyama
Kenya Sports -- Victor Wanyama is a footballer who hails from Kenya and currently plays for Southampton (The Saints). This 23 year-old victor earns £30, 000 or Kshs 4.3 Million a week. If you are working for 60K a month then I think it will take you 6 years to earn what Wanyama earns in a week. Sorry for revealing this to you. Please don't strangle your boss.   No Kenyan employee comes close to him, even the best performing CEO.

Victor has earned £2,179,968 or Kshs 307,375,488 since joining the club in July 2013.
According to, Victor Wanyama will work for just hours or days to afford things you only dream about.

If Victor Wanyama wanted a Gold iPhone 6, it will take him 13 hours, 26 minutes and 24 seconds to afford the £2,400 (Kshs 338K) phone.

He only needs to work for 1 day, 9 hours and 36 minutes to raise enough cash to buy the 24 Karat Gold Xbox One valued at £6000.
Photo Credit:

His salary for 1 day, 20 hours, 15 minutes and 24 seconds is enough to buy 7 MacBook Airs
Image credit:

It will take him 18 days and 16 hours to earn enough money to be able to buy an Audi R8
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He will require to work only for 34 days, 21 Hours, 15 Minutes and 42 seconds to make enough money to buy 911 Turbo S Cabriolet.
photo credit:

In spite of the huge salary, Victor Wanyama is a humble, soft-spoken young man who is adored by football enthusiasts all over the world.  He is a source of inspiration for many youth in Kenya.

05 December, 2014

BREAKING: ICC’s Bensouda Withdraws Charges against President Uhuru Kenyatta

Left:President Uhuru Kenyatta Right: Fatou Bensouda

Kenya News -- The ICC has withdrawn charges against President Uhuru Kenyatta.  The case was withdrawn because the prosecution lacked enough evidence to sustain a crimes against humanity case against the president. 

This is what the prosecutor said.

In light of the Trial Chamber’s 3 December 2014 “Decision on Prosecution’s application for a further adjournment, the Prosecution withdraws the charges against Mr Kenyatta,
This withdrawal is without prejudice to the possibility of bringing new charges against Mr Kenyatta at a later date, based on the same or similar factual circumstances, should [the Prosecution] obtain sufficient evidence to support such a course of action.

Celebrations should be underway in parts of Kenya

04 December, 2014

The horrifying Tale of a family’s tragic end

Late Paul Magu and Lydia Wangui

The tragedy of the Magus unfolds like a horror movie straight from Hollywood. The family of five, Paul Magu, 35, Lydia Wangui 30, and their children (Allen, 9, Ryan, 8, and Tiffany, 5) disappeared from their home in Muthaiga Pipeline Estate, Nairobi about two weeks ago.  What resulted was an 11 day national despair that ended by the discovery of the decapitated bodies of the last two family members, Ryan and Allen.

November 22nd - 24th   

Lydia goes missing on 22nd November. Her badly mutilated and partially burned body is found in a bush near Paradise Lost hotel on November 24th. On the same day, Magu is reported to have left the home with his children in a car. He later returned without them and left again, this time for his father’s home in Kiganjo, Thika.

November 26th

Magu is said to have parked his car by the roadside, left the engine running and committed suicide by jumping in front of an oncoming bus on the Thika-Garrisa highway. He died on the spot.

November 27th – 30th

The bizarre news of the couple’s death and the disappearance of the children catches national attention, a frantic search for the three missing children is launched. Their pictures are significantly shared on social media with messages of love and compassion. Everyone hopes and prays that they be found alive and well. Police launch a massive search that included sniffer dogs. Investigations are also launched with leads from extended family members, a house help, and neighbors.

December 1st

The badly mutilated body of Tiffany, 5 is found in a coffee plantation. The decomposing body has a deep cuts on the neck and hands. On the same day, police arrest Ann Wambui Nyoro, a female friend and a colleague to Magu on suspicion that she might have been involved or had crucial information on the death of Lydia, Magu, and now Tiffany. She and Magu preached at Shower International Ministry. It is revealed that Magu had intended to transfer some of his properties to Ms Nyoro. 
Accounts given by the family’s house help indicate Ms Nyoro had stayed with the family for four days, performing occult like rituals with Magu. Police state that Ms Nyoro was a close friend to Magu and was in constant communication with him before and after the killing of his wife. She is also said to have been seen with him, visiting different places after Lydia’s death. Ms Nyoro is currently in police custody pending investigations. The court granted the Serious Crime Unit permission to hold her for two weeks while investigations are conducted. Homicide officer, Maxwell Otieno, had informed the Kiambu court that they believed Ms Nyoro held important information that could assist in unearthing the mysterious deaths.
Ms Nyoro

December 3rd

The Bodies of Ryan and Allen are found decomposing at A Tatu City coffee plantation. This is confirmed by the Ruiru OCPD, Isaac Thuranira.  The bodies had been beheaded and were found 3 meters apart while the severed heads were found in different locations. The bad news brings an end to an 11 day search and massive calls for help in finding the children on social media. Magu’s family starts organizing for burials of the five family members to be held Tuesday, next week.
Ryan and Allen

December 9th

The Magus were laid to rest in a mass grave in an emotional send off that shocked residents of Kimuch village, Juja, Kaimbu County.

 Occult Connection

Police suspect that Paul Magu could have murderd his family before he committed suicide. Paul Magu was a Nairobi based lawyer but had stopped practicing 4 years ago to concentrate on religious activities. According to his mother, Keziah Wambui, a teacher at Ruiri Primary school, Magu had joined a cult about four years ago. She stated that her son was recruited by two friends, Ann and Kariuki. ““My son prayed with Ann in Muthaiga on Saturdays. I visited the room they prayed from and found ungodly items. There was a huge screen where they would lay hands on whenever their Nigerian-based leader and self-proclaimed prophet was preached or praying,” she said.
Magu’s father said that his son was tormented by a spiritual problem. He was a staunch follower of the self-proclaimed prophet and preacher, T.B Joshua.  
Magu's Parents

A note recovered from the family house and written by Magu read "I cannot live in ridicule and embarrassment as a result of poverty". Police also discovered literature and audiovisual content of the Nigerian pastor. Two new top of the range vehicles were also found parked at the family’s home.

Magu’s passport showed that he had been to Nigeria more than 20 times since 2009 to attend services at T.B Joshua’s Synagogue Church of All Nations (Scoan).  

Many are now entertaining the thought that the killings of Magu's wife and their three children could have part of ritualistic killings conducted by the cult he belonged to. 
With the alleged connection, Kenyans condemned the Nigerian preacher and his Scoan church, prompting a response from the preacher. 

TB Joshua’s Response

This is an official statement from Prophet T.B. Joshua. My attention has been drawn to several publications in Kenyan media alleging that Mr Paul Magu had visited The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) in Lagos, Nigeria over 20 times. These reports are both untrue and ridiculous. It must take a religious spirit to believe and say this!

Thousands of people come here with their problems from around the world. This may be one of the people that came with depression and a spirit of suicide for deliverance. If he was delivered here, perhaps he lost his deliverance. He may have gone back to his past life.
Because you come here for prayer does not mean you are a friend of Jesus. It is only when you maintain your relationship with Him – that makes you a friend.

You religious people – stop blaspheming. We are Christians; we are not exchanging issues with you. We pray all spirits of religion in your life be delivered, be removed, in Jesus’ name!
In John 10:10, the Bible says that satan came to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus came to give life and life in abundance. That is our mission – to give life in abundance, in Jesus’ name.

Kenyans, remember that this is not the first time false rumours have been spread concerning me in your nation. Several rumours were spread online previously that I had prophesied Al-Shabaab terrorists would kidnap and kill Kenya’s President. Why this hatred for me in Kenya? This is a religious spirit.

Take note – one may claim to be a Christian yet be religious. People with a religious spirit have no independent mind – they take everything they hear, see and read without finding out the truth. We are all brought up from a religious background and delivered to become Christians. Yet many claim to be Christians who are still not properly delivered. Therefore, we should examine everything in the light of God’s Word. This is what the Bible means by find out the truth and the truth shall set you free (John 8:32).

I want to believe the religious people are behind this story. I have never been to Kenya before. This will not stop me from one day coming to Kenya – at God’s appointed time.
TB. Joshua

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