21 December, 2014

Shock as the shooting of NYPD police officers is praised on Social Media

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Crime scene

World News -- Two NYPD officers dressed in civilian clothes were shot dead on Saturday afternoon as they sat in a police car along a Brooklyn street corner. Investigations allege that the shooter was avenging the shootings of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. The two killed officers were identified as Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu. The shooter, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, turned the gun on himself as police officers closed in on him.
 Murdered NYPD officers: Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos

According to witness accounts, Brinsley advanced towards the Police vehicle and shot the occupants in the head from the front passenger window without uttering a word. He then stood there for a moment before bolting into the subway when he heard sirens from an approaching second police car.
It is alleged that Brinsley was a fugitive who had killed his girlfriend in Baltmore on Saturday morning.
Suspected Shooter: Ismaaiyl Brinsley

Just three hours before the shooting, a person believed to be the shooter posted a message on Instagram. “I’m Putting Wings on Pigs Today. They Take 1 Of ours… Let’s Take 2 of Theirs, This May Be My Final Post”, read the message.  Three hashtags were used in the post – #ShootThePolice, with two others referring to Garner and Brown.

There are tensions within the NYPD due to fears that many people may want to copy, particularly when the social media response from the antipolice community is considered. On Friday night a #ThankYouNYPD rally was outnumbered and taunted by an opposing police group protesting police killings.

Praises on Twitter and Facebook

The antipolice hailed praises on Brinsley, some terming him a legend. Sample these tweets:

Brandon: Guess NYPD can’t breath after all

Fuck The Police: KARMA came around for the #NYPD sad but true

Britta: I truly don’t care that cops just got shot in the head in NYC. It’ll take drastic measures to change a racist nation that murders its citizens

Vintage Honey: *sips ice cold lemonade* RT“@radicalhearts: -Reads the news about the two cops in Brooklyn.- ... So... Anyone care for a glass of lemonade?”

Dan Anson Handsome: BREAKING: NYPD gets what they deserve

BEEday: I read the Story. Really don’t care about those two cops dying. Moving along.

Browniee: I Couldn’t care less about those cops though.. to be completely honest. I can’t even pretend to.

HalfAve: That nigga that shot the cops is a legend

Binder fulla thots: How could you not predict cops getting shot doe. They are literally killing lack and brown folks for any and every reason EXECUTION style.

International Hoev: I really hope them cops ain’t get shot for something criminal..it would send a greater message if they got it for just being cops

#SIXBURGHSTEELERS: @_solssss: Niggas doing SHOUTOUTS on FB to the guy that shot the cops. I’m scrolling down my TL like”.

666: “@nypost: BREAKING: Two police officers shot in the head in Brooklyn, both critically injured. Story to come.” I’m glad fuck cops!

Sean Paul Gaulteir: Shouts out to whoever shot those two cops in the head in bk #RNI.

Lord Finesse: Nigga who shot them cops took one for the team. Salute

Marie: Am I the only one happy about this breaking new 2 cops getting shot

Looks like the old wise United States got a really problem at home in this developing world news.


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