04 January, 2015

Rather than Affect Your Health, the Chlorovirus ATCV-1 Makes you Stupid

Sunday, January 04, 2015

Green Algae. Image Credit: Financetwitter.com

Health -- Late last year, scientists discovered that a virus that all along has been known to attack green algae in rivers and lakes can also infect the human brain and make one stupid.  The Virus, Cholovirus ATCV-1 belonging to the Phycodnavirdae family was previously not known to infect humans or listed among viruses that can affect humans.

According to findings of the study published in November 2013, scientists were surprised to recover the virus from samples extracted from the human gut. The virus was accidently recovered from a throat swab during the study, which included measuring the cognitive ability of participants.

Researchers in the U.S say that the virus can impair learning and memory, cognitive activity, thereby making any infected person to be less intelligent. Robert Yolken, a virologist at the John Hopkins Medical School in Maryland, who participated in the study said that “This is a striking example showing that the ‘innocuous’ microorganisms we carry can affect behavior and cognition.” The virus is thought to inhabit the throat of infected individuals. 

Participants who were found infected with the virus scored up to 10% lower in cognitive tests compared to those not infected. The presence of the virus was also associated with lower attention and “significant decrease in visual processing and visual motor speed.” The virus is found in fresh water and can easily be taken up by swimmers.

Further tests conducted by inserting infected algae into the mouth of mice confirmed the cognitive effects of the virus. Infected mice took 10% longer time to make their way out of mazes and also took 20% longer time exploring new objects, compared to uninfected mice. 

 Now human beings need to worry not only about physical health risks associated with viral infection, but mental effects as well. 


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